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Community Noticeboard

Activities, Events & News

The information and activities below may be of interest to our families. However, please note that these are all third party organisations and are not related to any school activities or provision.

Fulbourn Village Library

Storytime session this Saturday, 20th July, 10.30 a.m. - 11.00 a.m. for children aged 6 and under.

Don't forget to sign up for the Summer Reading Challenge.  More information here:

EIFA Newsletter

Fulbourn Arts Newsletter

Please click here to read the latest newsletter from Fulbourn arts.

We now have a few spaces for our September term at Fulbourn. To avoid disappointment please complete and return the attached form. Payment is only required once a space is confirmed. 

Please also pop in the email your Childs swimming ability.


Duxford Saturday Workshop is running a music session at the primary school in Duxford on Saturday 29th June from 11-12.15.

The purpose of this is to allow both children and adults to try out a wide variety of instruments in order to help them decide which is the perfect fit for them!  This event is free of charge and there is no need to book - just turn up on the day.

Teachers will be on hand to advise, and we can offer group instrumental tuition for a year with the view to getting someone started. There are age restrictions on classes for certain instruments but no age restrictions for our Taster day.

wimming at Bottisham Village College

Bottisham Swim School’s waiting list is currently open.  “We find that in our attached secondary school, many start year 7 never having learnt how to swim even though the national curriculum states that by the time they finish year 6, they should perform safe self-rescue in different water based situations, swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres and use a range of strokes effectively, for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke.

76,000 children left primary school last year having never having even one lesson, and in Cambridge, even as a land-locked county, we have a lot of water, including rivers, fens, lakes, reservoirs and gravel pits.

Swimming is an important life skill for individuals’ safety.”

Education Inclusion Family Advisor


EIFA Online Parent Workshops - You can find details of the forthcoming online workshops being offered by the EIFA which include: Supporting your child with feelings of worry, Supporting your child with feelings of anger, Digital/Internet Safety, Sleep, and Parental Wellbeing, by clicking here.


Please click here to read the latest news from Fulbourn Forum.



Bottisham FC are looking for more players for their Under 13's team.  Year 6 pupils can join, too.


Looking forward - the Fulbourn Gardening Society has its Annual Show on 31st August.

Junior Entries Invited!

Adult exhibitors at the show are residents of Fulbourn or members of the Society, but they also encourage individual or group (free) entries from juniors who attend school in Fulbourn; not necessarily residents.  You can pick up information about the show from 'Twelve' (15 High Street), other High Street shops or from the Fulbourn Gardening Society Secretary, James Caesar, on 01223 882051


Happy Feet Nursery Dance

Horizons Dance Academy



Fulbourn Scouts have been successful in being chosen as one of Tesco’s blue token charities from April until June.  They would be grateful for your support when shopping at Tesco.  Currently 120 young people from the local area attend sections of the group from squirrels to scouts.



Greater Cambridge Greenways Update

Please click here to read the latest update which includes information about the Fulbourn Greenway.



Mobile Food Hub

Hope Against Poverty is a charity which has a mobile food bank.  This visits Fulbourn on a Tuesday morning and anyone can use their service.  Please see the flyer below for more information.





Little Aqua Academy

Little Aqua Swimming Lessons.pdf


Shelford Rugby Club Girls Rugby Flyer.pdf

Fulbourn Community Choir.pdf

Healthy Families

Please click here to access a directory of support and information from Healthy Schools to help families with eating well and moving more.