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- Reading in Key Stage 2
Reading in Key Stage 2
In KS2, we teach reading comprehension through daily reading lessons. Each half term, children will read and analyse a fiction, a non-fiction or a poetry text. Reading lessons include:
- An element of prosody (reading with feeling)
- A close look at key vocabulary that children may be unfamiliar with
- Exploration of different reading skills
- Modelled answering of questions
- Opportunities to apply reading skills independently
- A weekly reading for pleasure session
- Teaching fluency by model reading, echo reading, choral reading and paired reading
In addition to our reading lessons in KS2, we also provide children with:
- Regular and varied opportunities to read for pleasure
- Regular additional phonics or fluency interventions for children in years 3-6 (for any child who is not a fluent reader)
- Regular storytimes
- Regular, open ended discussions about stories and books as well as time to chat about favourite books.
- Opportunities to read and discuss a wide read of genres including poetry and non-fiction (including weekly newspapers to ensure children are aware of local, national and global issues).
Books that the children take home are carefully chosen to match the children's interests and their level of fluency.
In addition, 1:1 reading is put in place for children that need extra practise, and we run a range of small-group sessions for children who would benefit.