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Pupil voice
"We made carrot biscuits! Our topic is World War II and carrot biscuits was a real ration recipe. We had to follow a recipe. We practised our peeling, chopping and grating skills. The biscuits were ok, but I prefer modern ones! The ration recipe didn't have much sugar, and there was too much carrot in our ones!" Isabel, Year 6
"In Year 5/6 we have been building Anderson Shelters using corrugated card, using the hot glue guns. I found it really interesting how all of the parts connect together. We designed our shelters by drawing out a net on the back of the card, and then cut it out. We have linked our work on series circuits in Science to create an Anderson Shelter light! During this project we have practised using rulers really accurately, as well as cutting accurately. My group is very pleased with our final product!" George, Year 5
"My favourite thing in DT is cooking because you can make many foods. I have learnt many skills like chopping, peeling and cooking vegetables for our vegetarian curry. We learn important rules such as 'Do not touch trays from the oven without oven mitts on'." Fraser, Year 4